Thursday, December 25, 2008

more adventures!

Oi! the holidaze! Well something has reopened back up inside me and I have started writing again. 2 poems so far. I've also written 3 new songs since October. Not bad for some one who wasn't writing or playing anything for months. Before I release the poems, I want to announce my adventure that I have planned for Saturday::



Salvation Mountain is Leonard Knight's tribute to "GOD IS LOVE." I am really excited. The construction is hay bales and adobe with some branching structures shown here. "This is Leonard’s art – it is simple, true, and honest."

Salton Sea was started in 1905 as a town of salt works and then turned into some resort town. Now its more of a ghost town and "
On 2008 January 24, the California Legislative Analysis Office released a report entitled "Saving the Salton Sea" [12]. The preferred alternative outlined within this draft plan calls for spending a total of almost $9 billion over 25 years and proposes a smaller but more manageable Salton Sea. The amount of water available for use by humans and wildlife would be reduced by 60 percent from 365 square miles (945 square kilometers) to about 147 square miles (381 square kilometers). Fifty two miles (84km) of barrier and perimeter dikes - constructed most likely out of boulders, gravel and stone columns - would be erected along with earthen berms to corral the water into a horseshoe shape along northern shoreline of the sea from San Felipe Creek on the west shore to Bombay Beach on the east shore. The central portion of the sea would be allowed to almost completely evaporate and would serve as a brine sink, while the southern portion of the sea would be constructed into a saline habitat complex. If approved, construction on this project is slated to begin in 2011 and would be completed by 2035"-wikipedia

So I will report back with some video and photos.

and on with the Show!

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