Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Movie Making Machine:

As all the pieces continue to fall (off points elevation), they are landing
in my lap in to a big pile. What if I make a machine to help collage and collate
the clips and images?

This script is supposed to work like the neurons and electrons in your brain.
Valentina Vasi and myself are making a movie making machine with processing.
Our amazing professor, Roland Snooks, has been helping us tremendously and also finds the
project to be quite interesting.

The plan is that each neuron is connected to a clip. the electrons move in between the neurons,
attracted to different assigned qualities.

Below is the code:


import kGeom.*;
import kRender.*;

kSpace space;
brain brain1;

int envSize = 250;

void setup(){

brain1 = new brain();

space = new kSpace(this);

// loop to make random neurons
for(int i = 0; i < i =" 0;" neurons =" new" electrons =" new" connectlist =" new" i =" 0;" n =" (neuron)" i =" 0;" e =" (electron)" i =" 0;" n =" (neuron)" i =" 0;" e =" (electron)" neuronnumber =" _neuronNumber;" history1 =" new" historyconnections =" new" magnatude =" 30;"> 0){
// find neuron neighbors
// loop through all neurons and find the closest
neuron nCurrent = (neuron) neurons.get(neuronNumber);
float closestNDist = 1000000;
int closestN = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < ntest =" (neuron)" ntarget =" kVec.clone(nCurrent.pos);" ntestpos =" kVec.clone(nTest.pos);" ndist =" nTarget.distance(nTestPos);" same =" false;" j =" 0;" ntesthist =" (neuron)" same =" true;" same ="="" closestndist =" nDist;" closestn =" i;" conint =" {" neuronnumber =" closestN;" nhist =" (neuron)" magnatude =" magnatude" i =" 0;" nstart =" (neuron)" nend =" (neuron)" ln =" new" currentconarray =" (int[])" duplicates =" 1;" j =" 0;" otherconarray =" (int[])" pos =" _pos;" connectthreshold ="100;" pt =" kVec.clone(pos);" class="html">


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