Tuesday, July 28, 2009

you are here.

Ok. So I have been working at Locali for about 2 months now and I still haven't written anything about the place. Shame on me. Locali is amazing. I keep telling folks that it's like if whole foods had a 7eleven. We make sandwiches, can make them vegan and gluten free, sell gluten free, vegan and raw options for food. We have a great selection of organic beers and wines and gluten free beers as well. A lot of the products in the store are locally made. The best part of the job (from a mediascapes standpoint) is the use of twitter for the store and the Icycle, the ice cream selling bicycle. Not only are the daily specials just a tweet away but so is the location of the Icycle. This geospacial, enviro friendly mobile food device finds its way to multiple farmers markets, social spaces, and birthday parties. I so far am the only girl riding the bike and I love it. We sell alot of locally made frozen treats such as Carmela's Ice Creams, Popshop Popcicles, Bittersweet Treats, and Tomberlies raw ice creams. Don't believe me on the awesome factor? Here's our yelp!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Twin City Suicide

Vampire mouths might trickle down extacy lane if you aren't careful. I've been here before December and I still fee l the bumps. Am I just slow or are you you not aware of dietary monogamy? Why should LA love me after vomiting on her roof tops and topless dancers?
can't see past my window with out a slutty cloud of population graphs. It's only indian music that you
stomach with kobe beef fast food. The pace of your eyelids is frozen for me. What was I doing here way other than sleeping next to your fragmented face. Ahoy matey, this ship don't stop for Thom Sawyer and any Yes song you can hum. The cigarettes
closer existence to your spectrum than my eyes. No matter, I'll get my own. It's only babysitting when your not drunk. Well excuse my outer body ethnographic experience but I can't hold this plate much longer. Are we beyond this or not even close to wadding afternoons under covers polluted with Seinfeld Dvds? So Minneahaha really fell hard off the rocks and snowcapped balls. Bobby Dylan and carpacio never let that big of a stain

Friday, July 24, 2009

geospacial bike crash

Bikewise is place where you can mark where you have had a crash or there is a bike hazard or even more important- where things have gotten stolen. Please add to this! Great when going to new cities!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

bubble gum fantasies

no they are not real... thanks to photoshop. but imagine if they were!....... These are by Simone Decker. I found them on a blog then got Kanye West's post about it as well. I need to restart my gum project. Here's some images from our stint in Venice beach (versus Decker's Venice Italy.)

Art delivery

Some might think that physical systems of information dispersion might be antique with the rise of twitter, iphones, and the new Google WAVE. Buy analog production still has value on our city streets, at least in Berlin. The project called Papergirl has been recruiting young Berliner on bikes to distribute rolls of art work much like an old fashioned paper boy. In 2005 the city of Berlin decided to fine any one pasting posters on public spaces. Aisha Ronninger, an art student, with her colleges brainstormed about how to bring art to public urban spaces. They pass out art in public while riding their bikes through the city. This has now become a well-established happening in the city. Hundreds of artworks on paper are sent from all over the worlds to Papergirl team. Anyone can participate from art students to doodling taxi drivers. They just ask for a minimum of 2 artworks.

"The basic idea with the project is to bring art to the public in a different way from normal; to surprise people and bring them into contact with art in their everyday life.”

I would like to start one in LA. If you are interested in 1. being on the street team or 2. sending art, please email me. nbarbuto@gmail.com
